Web Toolbar by Wibiya JOHN NEAL - Michell and Me: How we Cracked Metrology DVD - Megalithomania 2012

JOHN NEAL - Michell and Me: How we Cracked Metrology + Interview

John Michell Memorial Lecture, hosted by Christine Rhone. Along with John Michell, John Neal restored Ancient Metrology as a coherent system of measures, based upon fractional variations of what came to be called the English foot. His classic book, All Done with Mirrors details the system and covers many locations and examples. His later works have been essays and booklets exploring how monumental building continued to be based upon choice of a varied foot length rather than construction using a single type of measure or an arbitrary standard length, such as the ‘megalithic yard’. See a preview of interview here

John Neal DVD + Interview
£9.99 - 106min - PAL (UK): Region Free

Video Download:
Talk + Interview MP4

£3.99 - 106min - 265MB

Audio Download:
Talk + Interview MP3

£2.49 - 106min - 99MB

John Neal. Born 1941 studied agriculture and grew fascinated with the old systems of measurements then still in everyday use. Keenly interested in archaeology and at an early age read Maud Cunnington’s account of the digs at Woodhenge wherein she claimed to have deduced a regular unit of measurement not dissimilar to the English foot; regarded ancient forgotten people as highly civilised thereafter. John is the author of All Done With Mirrors, Measuring the Megaliths, and The Structure of Metrology. He spoke at the first ever Megalithomania Conference in 2006. www.secretacademy.com

Click Here - 2012 Conference
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The Megalithomania conference took place on the 12th - 13th May at the Assembly Rooms in Glastonbury. Filmed by www.pentos.tv