Web Toolbar by Wibiya MICHAEL CREMO - Evidence for Extreme Human Antiquity + Interview DVD

MICHAEL CREMO - Evidence for Extreme Human Antiquity + Interview

Over the past two centuries, archaeologists have found bones, footprints, and artifacts showing that people like ourselves have existed on earth for millions of years. But many scientists have forgotten or ignored these remarkable facts. Why? Primarily because they contradict the now dominant evolutionary views about human origins and antiquity. According to these views, humans like ourselves have existed for only about 100,000 or 200,000 years, and before that there were only more primitive human ancestors. This evolutionary paradigm, to which influential groups of scientists are deeply committed, has acted as a “knowledge filter.” And the filtering, intentional or not, has left us with a radically incomplete set of facts for building our ideas about human origins. Recovering the complete set of facts takes us on a fascinating expedition, across five continents to various archaeological sites, some long forgotten, some the center of ongoing controversy. The complete set of facts is consistent with the accounts of extreme human antiquity found in the Puranas (the historical writings of ancient India) and in the writings of other ancient wisdom traditions.

Michael Cremo DVD + Interview
£9.99 - 60 + 40min - PAL (UK)
Video Download MP4
£3.99 - 60+40min - 302+208MB

Audio Download MP3
£2.49 - 60+40min - 51+29MB

Michael A. Cremo has a Ph.D in science and theology & has presented at the World Archeological Congress, European Association of Archeologists, the International Congress for History of Science, the Royal Institution in London, the Russian Academy of Sciences in Moscow & universities around the world. Dr. Cremo is the principal author of the book Forbidden Archeology, a comprehensive survey of archeological evidence consistent with Vedic accounts of extreme human antiquity. The abridged edition titled, The Hidden History of the Human Race, has been translated into twenty languages. He is also the author of'Human Devolution: A Vedic Alternative to Darwin's Theory and most recently The Forbidden Archaeologist. mcremo.com

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The Megalithomania conference took place on the 12th - 13th May at the Assembly Rooms in Glastonbury. Filmed by www.pentos.tv